Edia Studio

Edia Studio is a mobile app development and publishing company, located in France.

The company was founded in 2019 and today has 3 employees with a portfolio of 10+ mobile apps and games on Apple store and Play store.

Edia Studio is a privately held, bootstrapped company, meaning it operates on its own profits without external investors up to date.

All of our team members are highly qualified professionals in relevant fields such as programming, art, design, professional translation, marketing, etc.

Some more info. about Edia Studio!

What we do ?

We specialize in creating, publishing and marketing of mobile games and apps for Android and iOS devices.

Our Mission !

We create app with passion and dedication in order to provide top class entertainment for millions of people around the world.

Our Team !

Our Team is equipped with fast learning skills, hard work and successful teamwork in their own skills.